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10G network transformer of 10 Gigabit Ethernet technology

Time:2022-09-17 Views:337
I believe that friends who know electronic components should be familiar with network transformers. Network transformers are transformer components that are available in all levels of network equipment in a limited local area network, also known as data mercury modules. It is an indispensable part of the network card circuit. Contains center tap capacitors, transformers, autotransformers, common mode inductors.
In order to meet people‘s higher requirements for the Internet, network transformers have also been changing and developing, and now 10G network transformers are widely welcomed in the industry. 10G network transformer is also called 10G Ethernet. 10G Ethernet provides 10Gbit/s transmission speed through different encoding methods or wavelength division multiplexing. So in its essence, 10G Ethernet is still a type of Ethernet.
10G Ethernet was adopted by the IEEE in July 2002 and includes 10GBASE-X, 10GBASE-R and 10GBASE-W. 10GBASE-X uses a very compact package containing 1 simpler WDM device, 4 receivers and 4 lasers operating at approximately 25nm intervals around the 1300nm wavelength, each transmitter/receiver pair at 3.125Gbit /s speed (data stream speed is 2.5Gbit/s). 10GBASE-R is a serial interface using 64B/66B encoding (not 8B/10B as used in Gigabit Ethernet) with a data stream of 10.000Gbit/s, resulting in a clock rate of 10.3Gbit/s. 10GBASE-W is a wide area network interface, compatible with SONET OC-192, with a clock of 9.953Gbit/s and a data stream of 9.585Gbit/s.
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